Wherever you are in the world, we hope you can join us in welcoming Spring and the renewal it brings with it.

Dear Friends,

Wherever you are in the world, we hope you can join us in welcoming Spring and the renewal it brings with it.

This first quarter of 2022 has been eventful on a global scale. In Europe, in particular, the events transpiring in Ukraine have shaken us all. As with every tragedy, they have reminded us of the importance of solidarity and collaboration across borders. 

Our Network was born from this very idea. Every day, we work to allow our Members, individual organisations in 15 different countries, to lift each other up by standing together against FGM and in support of Survivors. This year, our annual campaign is all about them, their daily efforts and precious expertise; so that you too can stand with us #BehindEndingFGM.

This packed newsletter will inform you about all our current activities with updates from our Members and Ambassadors (including an upcoming workshop!). It also compiles some of our recent resources to discover and rediscover at your own pace. 

We wish you a pleasant reading, and as always, we thank you for your support.

Best wishes, 

The End FGM European Network

?Updates from the Secretariat!

The End FGM EU Secretariat welcomed a new member in February! Our former ESC Volunteer Mereb Habte is now our Operations and Governance Officer

This is a new permanent position that is responsible for the general operations of the organisation (policies, administration ..etc.) as well as for coordinating governance of the Network (general assembly, onboarding of new Members...etc.) Read her full bio HERE

Also! Our team will also be welcoming three new trainees in the coming month! Keep an eye on our  team page to see who is joining us. 

Finally, we are currently looking for an interim Director for the Network (maternity cover) for 7 months. Find the call HERE

2022 Annual Campaign of the Network: “How do we end FGM? A look at the work happening #BehindEndingFGM.” 

Every year, we strive to educate ourselves, other actors of the movement, and the public on what we can do better to address FGM. This is the purpose behind our Annual Campaigns. This year, we want to continue engaging with our supporters and allies on a new theme: 

How do we end FGM?

This year, we look at the work happening behind ending FGM. We want to give the centre stage to our Members and Ambassadors. 

From February to December, we are sharing about 5 different areas of work: Advocacy, Research, Support Services, Education and Community Engagement. Eliminating the practice will take all of these areas. It will take all of us working together. We are all #BehindEndingFGM.

Discover all Campaign materials »

Launch event: "How do we end FGM? The Importance of Community Leadership.”

On Friday 4th of February 2022, in anticipation of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, we hosted an online event titled: "How do we end FGM? The Importance of Community Leadership.” It included a panel discussion with community activists on the topic of community leadership to end FGM in Europe and beyond. 

Watch the replay »

First component: ADVOCATE

The first theme we explored was ADVOCATE: how do we end FGM? We advocate! 
We shared about advocacy, featuring our Members Lessan, Orchid Project and MIGS. 
The next component is RESEARCH which we are currently exploring. Follow us on social media to access our Members' knowledge on research and why it is an essential aspect of our work to end FGM!

Find our ADVOCATE content »

Learn directly from Youth Activists on FGM, Sex Education and body safety

Bassmala and Cynthia, our Youth Ambassadors, are hosting an interactive workshop on FGM in Sex Ed, body safety and harmful practices. This workshop is part of the IPPF Project: "Joining the EU discussion on FGM and Sexual education in 2022", co-funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme.
Join Cynthia and Basmala's workshop by registering below!

Register for the interactive workshop »

What are the End FGM EU Ambassadors up to?

Let's have a look at everything our Ambassadors and Youth Ambassadors have been up to in the first quarter of 2022. From advocacy videos to community workshops, our Ambassadors have been busy these past few months.

Discover everything they have been doing»

Tuwezeshe Fellows addressed their demands to the FEMM committee

Since 2021, we have been working on the TuWezeshe Akina Dada- Leadership & Fellowship Programme. The Fellows have been leading their own research on FGM. To close the project, our Youth Ambassador Amal Hussein and 2 other fellows Hawa and Maida have shared their recommendations with the FEMM committee Chair and Vice-Chair Robert Biedron, Eugenia Palop, Sylwia Spurek and Maxova Radka.

Watch the video

Young activists from Africa and Europe address the upcoming Africa-Europe Partnership with their policy asks

The European Week of Actions for Girls (EWAG) coalition has created a short policy recommendation video putting forward EWAG youth policy asks about Girls' Rights ahead of the AU-EU Summit.

Watch the video and amplify their voices by sharing it!

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The CHAIN project and final International Conference

The Chain Project is coming to an end! We gathered with partners in February to take stock of the results of the project and planned our final activities. One of the highlights of the project is of course the Chain for Change Campaign with two videos one on Early and Forced Marriage and one on FGM, which are to be used in activities with affected communities. We are currently organising our final international conference, which will be a hybrid event (Brussels/online) on the 12th of May!

Discover the videos »

The FGM in Europe Interactive Map - upcoming new addition

We are working on adding a new country to our interactive map on FGM in Europe! This interactive map includes all the information the Network and our Members have gathered on laws, policies, services and data collection on FGM in 14 (soon 15) European countries.

Find the Map here »

The Mind The Gap Project

In February, the Mind the Gap partners met to discuss the final steps of the 2-year project, including its final international conference coming soon! In the meantime, discover our guide for educators on how to promote gender equality in the classroom.

Discover the guide »

Our participation to the first European Parliament Report on Intersectionality

End FGM EU contributed to the European Parliament report on intersectional discrimination in the European Union.

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Our reaction to the European Commission Directive on VAW

On 8 March 2022, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, the European Commission published the legislative proposal for a Directive on violence against women and domestic violence. Read our reaction to the Directive.

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Our CSW66 side-event "Engaging Men to End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting."

End FGM EU, within our coalition, the Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C’s, held a virtual parallel event at the Commission on the Status of Women: “Engaging Men to End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting”. Our panel gathered advocates and experts who discussed ways to incorporate men in programming to end FGM/C. Our esteemed speakers included Fatima Sy, Dame Indiaye, Mariya Taher, Mireille Tushiminina, End FGM EU Ambassador Rodrigue Nkwayaya, and Catherine Cox. This event was moderated by Carol Jenkins

You can watch the recording below!

Watch the event replay »

Talking to Donors about innovating anti-FGM funding

On 30 March, UNICEF and the End FGM EU organised the first 2022 meeting of the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Donor Working Group (DWG) to discuss innovative financing for FGM Elimination and accelerating Gender Equality. 

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End FGM EU and GAMS Belgique held a workshop for COHOM 

End FGM EU was invited to hold a workshop on the topic of Female Genital Mutilation for delegates of the Council of the EU’s Working Party on Human rights (COHOM). 

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AIDOS - Event: Investing in Strategic Partnership and grassroots actors to end FGM

On the 10th of February, our Member AIDOS, together with other partner organisations supported by the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on FGM co-organised the online event “Investing in Strategic Partnership and grassroots actors to end FGM”. 

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ActionAid Sweden providing safe spaces for FGM-affected people through the pandemic

In June 2019, ActionAid Sweden launched a project establishing safe spaces for FGM-affected people. First held online, they were recently able to move back to physical safe spaces for FGM survivors living in the Stockholm region.

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DIOTIMA - Legal and psychological support to gender-based violence survivors

Our Member Diotima is providing free legal aid and sociopsychological support to Greek and immigrants women having low annual income.

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The Finnish League for Human Rights works to prevent FGM

The Finnish League for Human Rights (FLHR) has worked since 2002 for preventing female genital mutilation (FGM), as well as for raising awareness and change attitudes toward the practice in Finland. 

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FSAN - Expanding their network, launching a podcast and more

Our Member FSAN has been busy this first quarter with various activities from expanding their key-persons network, to preparing their new online podcast and their Zero Tolerance Day event. 

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Lebkom e.v - National honour for the FULDA-MOSOCHO PROJECT 

Our Member Lebkom e.v's FULDA-MOSOCHO Project (FMP) received a national honour on 8 March 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya on International Women’s Day.

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LESSAN - Men Standing Up for Gender Equality - Amplifying Change

Our Member Lessan has launched the European project "Men Standing Up for Gender Equality - Amplifying Change" (MFGE - AC) running from 2022 to 2024. 

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MIGS -  The FEM-UNITED project and Connect the Dots Campaign

Within the framework of the FEM-UNITED project, MIGS and the Cyprus University of Technology have launched the campaign “Connect the Dots” to raise awareness among front-line professionals, policymakers and the general public on the prevention of femicide and to enable citizens to call on governments, politicians and state institutions to take action. 

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TERRE DES FEMMES - Awareness-raising activities: International Day of Zero Tolerance against FGM

Every year on 6th of February, TERRE DES FEMMES initiates a Germany-wide book campaign to raise awareness on the topic of FGM. The campaign took place in 22 bookstores and libraries spread throughout the whole country. 

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TERRE DES FEMMES - A new intervention chain for Berlin has been released

On the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, about 260 professionals and stakeholders from all over Germany attended the National Launch Conference, hosted by our Member TERRE DES FEMMES.

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Wassu Foundation - International Forum on Gender-Based Violence and Harmful Traditional Practices in The Gambia and West Africa

Wassu Gambia Kafo and Wassu Foundation organized the V International Forum on Gender-Based Violence and Harmful Traditional Practices in The Gambia and West Africa 

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End FGM Canada - Miss Klitty Comes Out Of The Closet!

Meet #MissKlitty!

This campaign by End FGM Canada aims to start the conversation about the clitoris and the harms of FGM/C to save girls from the practice. More than 4 million girls a year are at risk of FGM/C.  There are no benefits to injuring a girl’s clitoris and other genitalia; it does only harm, both physical and emotional.  #MissKlitty’s message:  Hurting me is human rights abuse!

Follow the Miss Klitty Campaign »
Rue d'Edimbourg 26, B-1050 Ixelles
Tel. +32 (0) 2 893 0907 - info@endfgm.eu
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